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MCCC Blog |
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
Don't Miss "How You Achieve Your 2023 Goals!" Lunch & Learn on Tue, 1/24 - REGISTER NOW! By John Allen Mollenhauer, Performance Lifestyle® Coach JAM We are well into the New Year, and you are probably feeling the momentum build. I wish you a year that creates the velocity you want to see toward fulfilling your God-inspired dreams. In this post, I want to share a plan comprised of five simplified steps you can take in 2023 and beyond that will yield the energy and extraordinary power you need to achieve your goals. You'd probably agree it would be a transformational year if you achieved all your goals, stayed vital and energetic, healthy, and performed well through the year. If you want an article on giving up sugar, this is not your article; that's small stuff, albeit eliminating "refined" sugar is important, but that's not the kind of transformation I'm talking about. I'm also not talking about personal development, professional (career), or business development, which are essential, and most people are already engaged in, but not the level of transformation I'm talking about here.
I'm talking about a lifestyle transformation that will set you up for success at those levels and the next stage of your life. So, let's stay focused on majoring in major things, not relatively minor things in the grand scheme. The steps to the transformational year I'm highlighting here are big and come with the understanding that you will only get some of them into play this year, not all, so take your time. I didn't produce these five steps for a New Year's Transformation post; I came up with them during the first half of my life as it took that long for me to zero in, and they are well in play in my second half. It's been transformative, and while it didn't all happen in one year, there was a pivot point, and that for you can be 2023. Truly transformational efforts require a roadmap; see this article that way, and you'll take these steps more intentionally. So please print this out, keep it posted where you can regularly see it, and give yourself the time, to take these steps! Step 1: Get Grounded in Your True Potential What is your true potential? It's your life force, energy, and spirit. It's not the primary psychological orientation most leading men and women behold as first in their life as they go through life as "who" and a "how" they think they are, separated, though not divorced, from "what" they are and their true potential. Most of us are identified with our deeply held and ever-changing beliefs, values, stories, roles, accomplishments, and achievements. For men, these aspects of who we are and how we are in the world are often oriented around what we provide. But we lack the timeless identity that gives men, and women, for that matter, a rock-solid sense of Self to deal with the stresses of life well. And because of that separation, first and foremost, we can engage in all kinds of responses to stress that can create more stress and fatigue instead of more energy and freedom. And ultimately, that distracts and holds us back. To change that in a sweeping and transformative way, we need to discover "what we really are" and become one with our true potential. Because grounded in our psychology and going through life as a "thinking thing," as if we (personally) are at the source of all that we accomplish when we're not, virtually ensures we won't face our challenges functioning even close to our full capacity. Living separated from our true potential creates obstacles we might otherwise avoid, not the least being a distorted psychology or ego, which can lead to all kinds of bad habits, and mistakes. And it can take years to get free of while dealing with the consequences that can arise. And for men and leading women, those consequences could be spending the 3rd quarter of their life trying to get free of effects from the first half, and that's a cost I'm sure you'd like to skip starting now. So, getting grounded in your life force energy, which you will experience as a spirit-driven life, changes the game. Now, no longer driven by a psychology that drives so many men and women into the ground prematurely; you'll now be driven by the force that enables you to regenerate, let go, move on, move forward, succeed and sustain essential changes free of what we call "The Curse of the Capable." "The curse" is ultimately the unsupportive past influencing your present life that you want to let go of. Do that alone, and you'll have a transformational year and a life that can stay transformed this year and the next. Step 2: Regularly regenerate your life force energy through sleep, proactive rest, and recovery … The world will keep you busy nonstop if you let it, and that will tire, burn, and wear you out. The drive is to be "always on," as markets, economics, bosses, spouses, coaches, teachers, parents, kids, and anyone influencing you, along with broader societal forces, drive you to keep going, produce more, learn more, constantly strive, and achieve more. You can attempt to stay in play all day and rely on sleep alone at your peril, but for many of us, it's not enough. You must regularly and systematically regenerate your life force energy, so you don't tire out, burn out, or wear out before your time. You must keep your life force or "true energy potential" strong if you don't want to trade your health for success and consequentially sacrifice your impact, income, or authority, let alone your sex life. You've got to keep the transformative force in your life strong if you want a transformational year. Step 3: Set regular weekly recovery sessions as a core routine, like going to the gym and exercising. Exercising is a stress, but there is another all-pervasive stress you must recover from in modern life: modern life itself. —The over-expenditure of life force energy amidst exceptional levels of life, family, career, and business (potentially athletic, etc.) demand in today's performance culture. You need to recover from life stress, not just exercise, if you want to function and perform well, let alone if you also want to lock in gains from fitness training and athletics. So start to make time for regenerative healing, which at times, if you've previously pushed it too hard, can be pretty uncomfortable, even more so than working out, so don't forget "no pain, no gain" also applies to recovery. Face your condition, don't cover it up, and regenerate; it gets easier over time and will truly transform you and your year. At a minimum, build whole-body light therapy into your life to recharge and restore your body. If you want to accelerate the process of strengthening your life force energy potential, or "your true potential," you've got to add more power to your "nap" and supplement your sleep. When you do, you'll no longer feel preoccupied, distracted, or held back by fatigue and wondering why you feel like a shell of your former Self. It's called photobiomodulation or PBMt, AKA Red Light Therapy, and if you have the right solution, you can add up to 40 Joules of energy to your body in 15 minutes. You can learn more about this by visiting my recovery center site. If you are away from the area, find a provider in your area. It's a game-changer, as accelerating recovery alone can create a transformational year like any of these steps! Step 4: Adopt an Optimization Mindset that can eliminate the cause(s) of your problem, resolve symptoms, and yield extraordinary energy, health, and performance. An optimizer's mindset is not a "go-to-the-doctor-for-a test-and-take-a-drug" mindset for symptom relief, even though there is a time and place. This mindset is about learning energy, recovery tech, health, and optimal performance and taking what you know from theory to practice to mastery. It's about making the needed changes and improvements and optimizing your lifestyle. You want to be efficient with your life force energy potential and not diffuse it all over the map, let alone let it be consumed by lifestyle-induced diseases caused by suboptimal living. I've written extensively on this in the past on this blog. Get your lifestyle advice from people vested in your performance as a human being, not your disease, and you'll have a transformational year. Step 5: Learn how to manage your energy like a pro. You do this by mastering the breakthrough energy discoveries that enable you to stop misinterpreting fatigue and develop the steadiness that guides your lifestyle as a rudder does to a ship. Your life force energy is either your biggest driver or constraint; you need to turn it into a driver if you want to "achieve" your goals and not get erratic when your energy gets low. If your energy is at its peak all the time, something men and women feel they always have to maintain for different reasons; chances are you're tiring out and wearing out as you cope with getting through the day. You've got to be strong at all levels of the vitality cycle, so learn how to manage your energy well, or else it will diminish, and at some point, you will languish as you stay stuck at a low level. Energy management distinguishes thriving, high-achieving people and all other achiever types. Managing your energy like a pro also sets your sights on living a healthy, high-performance lifestyle, and doing so will make 2023 a transformational year! Bringing it all together The foundational steps I've laid above set you up to start living a healthy, high "Performance Lifestyle" that works for you, not against you. Given that you can't separate your health from your success, a performance lifestyle bridges the gap so that your lifestyle fully supports you and what you are up to, not one or the other. High performance (functioning at full capacity) becomes more relevant, meaningful, and actionable the older you get. Living well into your future only ensues if you take these steps and live a healthy, High-Performance "Lifestyle." It means the difference between responding to stress in ways that create more stress and fatigue, which most men, and women, are pretty good at, and the energy and freedom we want. Take all five steps, and a High-Performance Lifestyle with the alignment you need to achieve even your most ambitious goals while living in balance, with vibrant health and peace of mind, will be in your future. I have a new book coming out soon that will help you get grounded in your true potential; this is the foundation of everything I teach, train, and coach on, but you can get started implementing this plan with step 2, regenerating your life force energy. It takes a lot of energy to make any change in your life, let alone to achieve ambitious goals. So, for now, get started here; this will be a transformational year. _______________________________________________________________________________________ John Allen Mollenhauer, also known as "JAM," is a pioneering Performance Lifestyle® Coach and an in-the-game Recovery Tech Entrepreneur. JAM works with men and women (typically entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals) who have relentless demands on their time and energy and are prone to tiring out, wearing out, or burning out. He is the founder of Regenus Centers, where customers unlock their body's resilience to bounce back from stress, pain, and fatigue. At the crux of his work, he helps his clients learn how to live their true potential and recharge, restore, and manage that life force energy for a healthy, spirit-driven life. Ultimately, he trains and coaches his clients on how to live healthy, high-performance lifestyles so they can maximize midlife and achieve their ambitious goals with their well-being intact. He's married, a father of a 16-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl loves to cycle, learn about human performance, positively influence others, and travel. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
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