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MCCC Blog |
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
By John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM” Founder of Regenus Center Let me briefly introduce you to the idea of living a Performance Lifestyle® (PL). A performance lifestyle is for individuals who are driven and aspire to achieve their ambitious goals without burning out, or coping with a hidden downward spiral, that causes many high achievers to sacrifice their health for success. In a Performance Lifestyle, the primary emphasis is staying grounded in what you really are, in the right relationship with who you are, so that you’ve got the highest level of control over how you achieve your goals. Also, making sure your body is regularly recharged, recovered, restored, and rejuvenated with what’s becoming more popularly known as life force energy. You need high levels of life force energy to maintain the health and high performance you need to succeed with good quality of life. Gone are the days when willing yourself through tiredness, exhaustion or fatigue is a smart strategy for performing well. To cultivate life force energy, we develop a performance lifestyle mindset, and skillsets that promote high performance with spirit, mind, and body firing on all cylinders. These skills are essential for maintaining our optimal health while achieving success, with an eye on overall well-being. The management of energy is the common thread that ties all performance lifestyle skills together, enabling us to direct our energy towards our most important life goals, whether it be in our family, career, business, sport, ministry, or humanitarian endeavors. The reason we prioritize the management of energy is to avoid burnout and prevent ourselves from entering a downward spiral, which usually starts with depleted energy. For those of us who want to be part of that elite group of “healthy” high achievers who thrive, those who want to know how to achieve even their most ambitious goals with their health and wellbeing intact, we go above and beyond by supplementing our performance lifestyle with tools that optimize cellular energy production. The cornerstone tool for doing just that, is called “photobiomodulation,” or more commonly known as Red Light Therapy, or PBMt, which we utilize for one simple reason. Every human capacity has an optimal level of activation energy, similar to the boiling point of water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. To achieve our best life performance, we need this activation energy to start the day and for all that we want to accomplish. If we are in sleep or “energy debt,” and we haven’t regenerated enough of the vital, life force energy we need for the tasks of the day… we risk burnout or falling into that downward energy spiral. For example, driven achiever-types often find themselves coping with tiredness, exhaustion, or low-grade biological fatigue due to the intensive demands on their time and energy. To keep going, they rely on stimulants like coffee, extreme work ethics, obsessive exercise, energy drinks, reliance on supplements, constant thinking, and eating to stay stimulated throughout the day. However, that constant stimulation, ironically always being “energized” leads to wearing their body brain down. Furthermore, individuals who allow that to happen often struggle with nighttime fatigue and resort to medicating themselves with TV, wine, late-night eating, and sleep aids like Ambien... That happens, most of the time, not because they’re not tired enough, but because they are too tired and find it uncomfortable to face their fatigue. And it then disrupts their sleep patterns, which affects their morning routine and their ability to function at full capacity during the day… The over expenditure of life force energy each day is the underlying cause of why so many people find themselves stuck in vicious behavioral cycles of coping not only at night but throughout the day, which when compounded, lead to downward spiraling behavior that unfortunately is so common its often overlooked. But before you know it, your body doesn’t have the energy it needs to function and perform well, and we start coping with stress in ways that create more stress and fatigue not more energy and flow. So, what you need to know here is that all of that can change, when you unlock the body’s resilience to bounce back from stress, pain, and fatigue by proactive regenerating your body at the start of developing a performance lifestyle you can all your own. In a Performance Lifestyle, you go way beyond the default lifestyle of doing whatever whenever to get through the day, (57% of the population) and even beyond the typical fitness and healthy lifestyles that the majority of people live today (40% of the population), which are not very healthy at all and or don’t focus much on your energy, other than trying to get an extra hour of sleep here and there, while you drink cup after cup of coffee.
But what’s I’ve found is that most people who wake up to what I’m talking about, who realize that the default, and typical fitness and healthy lifestyles aren’t really health, don’t just step into a full-blown Performance Lifestyle, they first begin with the “recovery” and regeneration of their life force energy. They take a significant step forward by “Biohacking” which encompasses various techniques and tools, such as recovery technology, specific practices, and supplements… that allow us to take control of our own biology. Because, it sets the pace to make intentional changes to improve our energy and health, performance, and longevity, through lifestyle optimization. Unlocking your body’s resilience and bouncing back from stress, pain and fatigue is the coherent definition of biohacking, which then inspires you to take your lifestyle to the next level and closer to optimal. So “biohacking,” involves getting intentional about proactive recovery, our diet, environment, and our entire lifestyle for that matter, to enhance and optimize your physical and mental performance. This is where you begin to see a genuine transformation in your life, including but going way beyond working out, losing weight, and lowering your cholesterol score… One such biohacking tool you’re about to learn about is called photobiomodulation, or “changing the body with light,” which sets you up for making lifestyle changes, improving, and ultimately optimizing the way you live. That why we launched Regenus Center, to help you help you active your energy at much higher levels. Biohacking is focused primarily on the recovery of energy. Biohacking will help you make the shift out of outdated, limiting, and confusing lifestyle mindsets, that rarely touch the real problem of energy debt in most people’s lives, and for perhaps the first time, focuses you on the recovery of energy, which will greatly improve your life and style of living it. But if you want to arrive at living the best version of you, you need to incorporate biohacking into a coherent protocol and a consciously develop a lifestyle, that represents the logical connection between the fundamentals of energy, health and performance that guide your approach to achieving the kind of success you want in life. This is where Performance Lifestyle® comes in. Performance Lifestyle is a mindset shift that is both radical and powerful when compared with what passes for a successful lifestyle these days. It has the potential to transform your energy, mental and physical performance, as you address and overcome any and all hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold you back from achieving your ultimate goals. The result is a comprehensive, integrated, flourishing lifestyle that fully supports your deepest needs and highest aspirations, without sacrificing your well-being. So, if you're ready to optimize your energy, health, for high performance in a lifestyle that is focused on your life goals, then Performance Lifestyle® is the way to go. It's not just about reaching the next level; it's about living life in a whole new tier, where optimal and proactive become your new normal. And if you stick with me, you'll learn how to develop a Performance Lifestyle® that is uniquely yours. It starts with learning how to unlock your body’s resilience to bounce back from stress pain and fatigue utilizing advanced rejuvenation and recovery, and the new chambers that are available to supplement this process. You can learn more at Regenus Center. Or if you would like to get together for a green drink (no need for coffee 😊) let’s, get on each other’s calendar and meet up for 30 minutes. Who is John Allen Mollenhauer? A leading Performance Lifestyle® Coach and the founder of REGENUS CENTER, along with his partner and wife, Mariahna Suzan. As an entrepreneur who used to suffer from constant tiredness, fatigue and periodic burnout, terrible back pain, and erratic moods due to overexertion, he has dedicated his adult life to helping people recharge, restore, and manage their energy as the pros do. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
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