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MCCC Blog |
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
by John Allen Mollenhauer, Lifestyle Coach JAM It’s Back to School, Post Vacation Work Schedule, and the Daily To-Do List Has Grown Exponentially. It’s Begun Wearing You Down. What Do You Do to Recharge and Restore Your Body Battery?
It’s a statement I hear in various versions from prospective customers and clients at Regenus Center, where we help people unlock their body’s resilience, i.e., bounce back from excess stress, not enough recovery, and the inevitable fatigue.
It’s an insidious story, and it opens the door to one of the most overlooked aspects of energy and management, and it’s this: If you ever find yourself saying, “I already have plenty of energy,” but, in the following sentence, you’re talking or even thinking about your back pain, inability to change, a slow metabolism, brain fog when you stop, and the poor habits you’re coping with; chances are, your body doesn’t have as much energy as you think it does. And it brings up a significant point about the energy you experience day to day: Lots of energy during the day is not necessarily consistent with a high-energy body/brain when your body battery is actually depleted. You can be “energetic” all day, defined as showing or involving great activity, which means a lot of stimulation, and be regularly and systematically running your body down and into the ground. And to such an extent, stress, pain, burnout, disease, and even death come out of nowhere. This may be the single most important health and human performance discovery ever for one simple reason. It points to the invisible illness behind all diseases, and resolving it, yields the life force that promotes the highest levels of energy, health, and performance. I’ve seen people go through life “tirelessly,” which is code for never letting themselves experience tiredness head-on for so long that after years of coping with constant tiredness and fatigue with an “always on” approach; at their funeral, all the talk was in fact about how “tirelessly” they worked until they were struck down by that X, Y, or Z disease. Meanwhile, they weren’t struck down by any disease; the disease resulted from coping with excess stress and fatigue in ways that caused more stress, fatigue, and poor health. And that poor “coping” with stress includes the drive installed by motivational speakers to blow through fatigue as if it were a mental issue when it’s not. In other words, given most diseases are lifestyle-induced, too much stress, insufficient recovery, and poor coping (lifestyle) habits were the actual causes of their condition and premature death. I can’t impress upon you enough; how good you need to get at steering clear of that ‘always on’ pattern of living. You can be stimulated all day long and experience lots of energy, but the truth is, it doesn’t mean your body has lots of energy. All it means is that you are spending a lot of it until you don’t, and you’ve depleted your body battery. You may be “crushing it,” but if your body constantly experiences the crush of excess stress and fatigue, even when things are going great, you will eventually hit the wall when you least expect it, and it will debit your longevity. How do you know how depleted your body battery is? When you stop, you’ll know you’re depleting your body battery too far if, after a bit of stopping, you feel a strong wave of malaise coming on, where it all falls apart—your drive, habits, your intelligent thinking, and more. If that happens regularly, you are in the throes of at least a vicious cycle, and somewhere on the path of a downward spiral, you’ll want to correct or pull out of, asap. The world is full of people, from entrepreneurs and business owners to rock stars, who slowly deplete their bodies while thinking they’re doing fine until they’re not. Rogers Story. One of my best friends in the world, Roger, died of ALS 4 years after trying to change his career from being a mortgage broker to a chef. He worked seven days a week for the next five years as he did his training and internships and slept minimal hours per night. Still, with young daughters, Roger kept up his skiing schedule to boot. And while the symptoms of wearing down were there, he thought he was going strong and was unstoppable; until his body stopped him in his tracks. Within two years he died. I can’t say definitively what caused what, so this is anecdotal. What I can tell you, is that ALS has no cure, and the symptoms look a heck of lot like those of chronic fatigue and what many people experience when they get worn down.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to become a lab experiment for a marketplace or workplace that wants to keep me going all the time, consuming, and working, only to wear myself out, and I can’t imagine you want to either. The long-term cure is to develop a healthy, high-Performance Lifestyle®, but it starts with learning how to Manage Your Energy Like a Pro® first. Unless you have the driving energy and power to change, improve and optimize the way you live beyond what it takes to meet daily demands, chances are you won’t do it. One fundamental way, in addition to a proactive approach to sleep and rest, is to accelerate recovery using photobiomodulation, also called PBM therapy or red-light therapy. PBM Therapy is the recovery tech that recharges and restores your body with the vital power (electrical energy) you need to function and perform well. Your body is like a battery, and you must treat it like that. It was one of the reasons we founded REGENUS CENTER; corner stoned by PBM Therapy. At its most basic level, the center is a recharging station for your body, and PBM therapy is what recharges your body. If you don’t deal with recharging and restoring energy regularly and systematically, all bets are off with what will happen in your body and life/style upstream, even though you may feel like you’ve got lots of energy. People who need to pay close attention to this are professional men and women executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners, many of whom are working parents and have their own lives to take care of. You may still be overexerting and feeling the exhilaration of the drive and the spending, but it doesn’t end well if you deplete your body battery. Start unlocking your body’s resilience with PBM Therapy to bounce back strong with new energy, versus borrowing from your body’s reserves and debiting your longevity. Accelerate your recovery today; you can learn more here. As “client zero,” entrepreneur and business owner John Allen Mollenhauer, known as John Allen or Lifestyle Coach “JAM,” was desperate to figure out how to achieve his ambitious goals without burning out and trading his health for success despite being proficient in nutrition and fitness. As a result, he shifted from a high achiever’s results-only mindset to a high-performance perspective and learned how to manage his energy like a pro. Step by step, JAM produced the never-before-assembled formula for living a High-Performance Lifestyle® that can enable anyone to be and become a healthy high achiever who thrives. Today, he’s the founder of life REGENUS CENTER and a pioneering Performance Lifestyle® Coach. To get started, Lifestyle Coach JAM delivers powerful free resources that will inspire you to optimize how you achieve your goals and then offers the solution through his 12-Week Manage Your Energy Like a Pro® and 12-Month Performance Lifestyle® Program known as MyPL365. ℠ Download This Ebook FREE: Become a Healthy High Achiever Who Thrives - Learn How to Achieve Even Your Most Ambitious Goals Without Burning Out or Trading Your Health for Success Comments are closed.
January 2025
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
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