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MCCC Blog |
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
by John Allen Mollenhauer, Performance Lifestyle Inc.
A lifestyle-based performance perspective recognizes that every aspect of our human performance is dependent on our “way of life.” When any essential element of lifestyle, or skill, is suboptimal, it negatively affects our energy, health, and capacity to function at the level we want. Consequently, our lifestyles can impact our career, business, sport, or creative pursuits— our overall achievement results and longevity in life. I’ve learned this first-hand as a 30-year entrepreneur who has faced many hidden lifestyle challenges that have distracted and, at times, held me back. As a by-product, I’ve become an expert in the emerging field of lifestyle optimization to help high-achieving people stay healthy and thrive. Today, I teach what’s becoming known as Performance Lifestyle®. I train, coach, and support clients around the fundamentals of successful living that enables them to manage their energy and improve their performance. Why I take this approach is simple. I’ve learned that people wake up to accomplish and achieve things, not to be balanced and healthy. However, soon they learn that they need to be balanced and healthy to sustain their performance. So, “healthy” is then the given, not the goal, and being “balanced” takes on a whole new meaning. What does it mean to be “balanced?” In short, when you know all of the essential lifestyle skills in a performance lifestyle, you train on knowing what to do and why as well as on how to do it and when. You do so at the right level, intensity, and consistency for you to experience the results you want. That’s “balance,” or should I say “living in balance.” It requires having a whole lifestyle mindset and skillset that supports you, as well as what you are up to in the world. Maintaining one’s sense of balance is why I have always engaged and served others in this context. I could say so much more, but that’s not the topic of this article. Over the last eight weeks, life has changed a great deal, especially in terms of what is on peoples’ minds. Right now, it is more important than ever to build a more robust immune system. The reason I know this for a fact is that I recently recovered from a 3-week battle against Covid-19, proving that anyone — even someone without underlying medical conditions — is susceptible to an immune system attack like the Coronavirus. Why was I so susceptible to Covid-19? It came down to a dynamic many of us have experienced: I got run down, and that compromised the strength of my immune system. Ironically, it occurred while I was in the process of launching a performance recovery and lifestyle optimization center in Florham Park. We got way behind schedule and had an unusually tight deadline for the Grand Opening due to issues not entirely within our control. It was a particularly stressful time for me. I was still getting my required 7-9+ hours of sleep each night and had access to some of the world’s best recovery technologies available. However, that wasn’t enough. As we all learn, having too much to do in too short a period leads to overexertion. And, when ambition outpaces your body’s ability to recover, even with support, there is no recovery modality in existence that can fully make up for it. Only changes in your approach, including recovery, will resolve that. So, at the time I got sick, the Covid-19 Pandemic was starting to become a real wake-up call for us all — like no other. It has been a time for people to break through their fears and unhealthy habits to improve the strength of their immune systems and health through lifestyle in proactive and natural ways. For me, trying to accomplish too much in too short a period is a pattern I have since addressed head-on. It causes me to live out of balance. Also, sometimes not facing challenging circumstances early enough and fast enough can create complicated and over-challenging situations. Hence my case, so you can bet assuredly, after this experience, that’s something I’m going to do everything in my power not to let that happen again. My way of life is changing! Just days before I was affected and felt the symptoms, I published an article on the Chamber Blog called, The 7 Proactive Tips Within Your Control—Even When The World Switches Off Due to Coronavirus. I later updated the same insights here when I was recovering. These are insights that I usually live from, regardless. A few weeks later, following three very challenging weeks of recovery from the overexertion AND the added impact of COVID 19, I learned that of the 305 people who got tested in Livingston, NJ (my home town),11% had died, and 78% of those people were ages 18-49. That shocked me and is the reason I shared my story and experience on Facebook and met an unbelievable outpouring of support. What many people found interesting is that I am an optimal living expert, and I came down with the virus. The story got picked up by medical, media outlets, and nutrition brands as well as practitioner sites and vloggers wanting to hear why, what it was like, and how I recovered. Here’s what happened: I had been around hundreds of people, in-person, in the weeks leading up to the infection, and my immune defenses were low due to energy depletion, leaving the doors wide open for a novel virus-like COVID-19. Because I was otherwise healthy underneath that intense period of stress and exhaustion, I simply took the seven steps I had outlined earlier at the highest levels possible to get a boost of immune system strength. After battling Covid-19 for three weeks, I recovered, and I am now back, much more robustly than before. My experience in recovery and the outpouring of support led me to start a Facebook group to provide some online help. I named the group Covid-19 Prevention and Recovery Network for people who are looking to defend against Covid-19 as well as to offer helpful guidance for people recovering from the virus and the economic impact of this shutdown. The group has connected hundreds of people from around the world who are sharing their Covid-19 stories, research, and insight. I’ve also had many requests from people looking for natural ways to protect themselves and start making smarter decisions for the future. I think that’s one of the silver linings of this pullback period — people have had a chance to taste life again, with a significant change of pace to process where they are going and how they want to get there. You can join COVID PRN on Facebook here or click the graphic below. “The Covid-19 virus came out of nowhere, and many people are fearful of contracting it because down deep, they know their immune systems are already compromised.
For many people, their immune strength is too often suppressed by overexertion and under recuperation. Tiredness leads to exhaustion, and for some, chronic low-grade fatigue that then reinforces poor lifestyle decisions, and eventually, an unwillingness to embrace healthy, let alone performance living strategies. It can get too daunting to face your current condition, but now (risking sickness and death), this may be changing. Eight weeks into the COVID-19 Pandemic that put our country into a state of emergency, the conversation is still all about the statistics of who got sick, how many died, and what drugs may work. It is also about how to disinfect, practice good hygiene, and do social distancing. And, of course, it entails updates on when the vaccine will come out. That’s all good and understandable, and I support emergency medical care (I used it when I was sick) as well as the development of a vaccine, which will serve to dispel fear and help our bodies build antibodies. The thing is — none of the above mentioned will strengthen your immune system, build your health, or make you more resilient. And, people are beginning to realize this. What we all need to realize is that medical solutions (emergency medicine, notwithstanding) are often about infection prevention and sickness mediation — all from a disease management worldview. This worldview has its time and place. Still, it does not encompass what we ultimately need, which is energy and health-promotion, though lifestyle optimization. So, to address this needed mindset shift, and because my focus is already on helping people develop performance lifestyles, my team and I have created an online course called The Lifestyle Boost Program. It guides participants on how to supercharge their immune system for strength, health, and resilience as a prominent and meaningful step on the way toward optimizing the way they live. I am most excited that this short two-week Program dials people into the very condition that makes us all susceptible to sickness, whether they have a virus or not. It’s all about your energy and making sure you live in such a way that does not put you in a periodic or chronic state of energy depletion. Even if you “live healthy,” your immune system, in the face of exhaustion and fatigue, is weak — period. Learn from my experience. Today, you need to learn how to manage your energy and optimize the way you live if you want to be genuinely resilient. No one does it perfectly, as I have proven. However, all you need to do is get better at lifestyle optimization, and it will make a profound difference in your life. This message is vital to understand and implement if you want to ensure that you can prevent and recover from periods of excess stress in the future. It is also essential if you want to live a healthy lifestyle successfully and achieve, even your most ambitious goals, while living in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind. The Lifestyle Boost Program is a two-week course that focuses on how to: 1. Eat Nutrient Rich to Take Your Immune System to a Whole New Level 2. Overcome Chronic Exhaustion and Fatigue as being “Pre-existing Conditions” 3. Embrace Tiredness to Become More Energized 4. Source Your Energy from the Right Places 5. Maximize Sleep, Rest, Recovery, Relaxation, Meditation, and Rejuvenation 6. Manage Your Energy Like a Pro 7. Optimize Your Response to Life’s Stresses When you make it your objective right now, to learn and apply all of the above in your life — just watch what happens. Most people seek an “energy boost” daily. Frankly, I developed an aversion to using the word “boost” when it comes to energy because it usually implies an unhealthy approach to energy enhancement. But “a lifestyle boost” is a very different idea. It means you build rapid momentum in a short period around vital, daily objectives at the core of how you live, enabling you to experience desired results you want or haven’t experienced in a long time. It’s also a necessary period for recapturing the zest and zeal you had at an earlier time in your life that has faded due to the gravity of a highly responsible life with age or a seriously stressful period. Having had Covid-19 and recovering has motivated me to educate people on how to optimize their lifestyles — now, more than ever. In this Program, I combine my knowledge and experience to help people improve immune system strength, health, and resilience while defending and protecting themselves against unnecessary future health risks like Covid-19. If you want to learn more, go to The Lifestyle Boost Program Registration, or reach out to me at my website. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
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