Public Health & Safety, Human Services and Economic Development Prioritized in Balanced Spending Plan April 13, 2022 - Morris County’s 2022 Budget was adopted tonight by the Board of County Commissioners, who held the tax rate stable for another year as they expanded funding for public safety and health, infrastructure projects, human services, education and economic development. “Our 2022 Budget provides the high level of services Morris County residents have come to expect, especially since the pandemic hit, yet it also delivers the type of fiscal prudence demanded by tax-paying families dealing with historic inflation in America. This is the third consecutive year we have prevented an increase in the county tax rate. Still, we were able to increase spending on public health and public safety,” said Commissioner Deborah Smith, a member of the Board of Commissioners’ Budget Committee. The $331.1 million 2022 Budget includes a $62.5 million Capital Spending Plan for the calendar year, which will be offset by $30.4 million in grants, and the budget buffers the county against unforeseeable economic changes by anticipating a $57.9 million fund balance. That balance marks a $1.7 million increase over last year, solidifying the prospects of Morris County maintaining an AAA Bond rating, which it has held for 46 years.
“Maintaining our AAA standing is important to every resident because it enables our towns and school districts, as well as the county, to borrow funds for our important infrastructure projects at the best possible finance rates, saving everyone money in both the short and long term,” said Commissioner Deputy Director John Krickus, Chair of the Board’s Budget Committee. The 2022 spending plan also includes an estimated $34.3 million in educational, cultural and economic development incentives, and dedicates $68.3 million to public safety programs and another $36.6 million toward health and human services programs. “Community-based human service initiatives, such as programs for mental health and drug addiction treatment, along with senior nutrition programs, veteran services and even employment training, are heavily supported by this budget,” said Commissioner Kathryn DeFillippo, a member of the budget committee. The budget includes Morris County’s contribution to the $24.8 million creation of the Morris County Vocational School District’s new Career Training Center at the County College of Morris in Randolph. The two-story, 45,940 square-foot Center will be financed by $6.2 million from the county and $18.6 million from state under Securing Our Children’s Future (SOCF) Bond Act. The Center has the potential to add 500 more students to the School District, providing them with the skills and training leading to lucrative careers, while expanding the diversity of the county’s workforce and helping leading industries in the region to grow, prosper and improve the area’s economy. Critical Community Investments Among the educational, cultural and economic development incentives included in the 2022 Budget are:
Critical Infrastructure Investments The $62.5 million Capital Spending Plan prioritizes road resurfacing with $14 million earmarked for work on 25.6 miles in 15 towns. Another $2.8 million is slated for intersection improvements, and $6.83 million is dedicated to bridge and culvert projects. Road Resurfacing Projects Include:
Intersection Improvements Include:
Brian T. Murray Director of Communications County of Morris (973) 285-6015 [email protected] Comments are closed.
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The Morris County Economic Development Alliance (The Alliance) is an affiliated 501c3 Nonprofit of the Morris County Chamber and includes the Morris County Tourism Bureau, the Morris County Economic Development Corporation and the Connect To Morris job board.